My reflection is about the time I have had to collaborate with my team at the Magazine project. Where communication for the majority part of the project was lacking and frustration arose internally. About the meetings spent pointlessly without setting written plan or taking minutes at the meetings. My bad habit of leaving notes all over the place, leaving me unorganised. So as the asset collection was not enough by leaving opened websites and taking images and attending events without actually reflecting by gathering all these assets in understandable manner.
During the beginning of the project I felt we were setting off with a good intentions however still hearing – ‘we have plenty of time’ – never listen that advice. I like things to be done earlier as I know that is who I am, but lately it does not show, not in my Uni work at least. During the meetings lack of the team focusing for the entire time, have happened only twice plus times I organised them over the MT.
I am lucky of meeting one of the mature students and becoming friends with her, she is a year above me in different course. We speak and share a bit of our experiences at here in Uni. It is challenging to collaborate amongst young minds, who still learning to become aware and gentle with their surroundings and be respectful. It is a lesson in itself. The tolerance I learn will be immerse by end of finishing this degree. My experience with communicating with my peers is very similar to my friend’s and for the same reasons, age difference. I think younger people perceive us as their adult parents in away, and therefore psychological resistance takes place without word being said. You learn to accept it. I became like a shadow and people pleaser to avoid friction, I just step away and let things flow but still raising questions and being in charge of organising majority of the meetings. But it is still an experience and a learning curb of how to see younger generation – to be in it, to hear it and observe it, that is my way of learning. It is a learning the ways around it, how to communicate with many young adult at once.
I think because people did not know – ‘how to’, so as myself at the start of the project, decided to ignore and avoid any confrontations in regards the project’s tasks, to note they themselves signed up for.
I organised models and the studio as the deadline was approaching and no sign of the photoshoot initiated at the start of the project was flagging up. Me realising that the studios might be taken and that we have not discussed organising getting models, I was approached by opportunity to collaborate with Film students who were willing to fill that gap and therefore I acted and communicated across the team to receive their approval. I did organise studio shoot, and I did assist at the actual shoot.
These situations keep happening where the collaborative work is in concern and I think what I could take for the future is as follows:
- Take the organisational part, like project managers role, who oversees things
- Make notes and minutes of the meetings
- Create assets for later use for own articles
- Continue develop InDesign and Photoshop
- Create plan for the entire semester and create asset plan and folder
- Write and review the event immediately after the atendance.
I have known about myself and learned, that I like organising things, put them in diary, generate ideas, communicate and just being positive.